Thursday, June 25, 2009
Casey is 5 Months Old!
Casey is 5 months old today! He is gaining weight and eating like a pig, so I don't think there's anything else to worry about there. We did have to take him to the dr last week because he was wheezing when he was on his back. It would stop whenever he had his pacifier in his mouth or if he rolled onto his belly. The RN that we saw said it's either a symptom of his acid reflux and/or a bit of post-nasal drip. She couldn't hear anything in his lungs, so nothing to worry about. We got some saline drops for him and he seems to be doing it a lot less. He's been sleeping in his crib overnight, all night, for about 2 weeks now :) He likes to sleep on his belly, which the dr has said is fine as long as we start him out on his back. He hates baths. He still loves cuddling and kisses. He giggles when you tickle him, play peek-a-boo or bounce him. The giggles still aren't loud or consistent, but we just love them! He shows preference to certain toys, he especially loves his catapillar rattle that Piper got him. He gets mad when you try to take toys away too. He rolls all over now to get from place to place! He likes to spend time in the playroom playing in his exersaucer. He absolutely adores his big sister. He watches her every move, loves when she pays attention to him and smiles when she does. He's always interested in what ever she has or is doing. And she loves him too. She likes to play with him and give him kisses. She gives him a bottle from time to time and now that he's more and more active, she is more and more interested. He is still getting rice cereal once a day. We haven't tried any other foods yet, because he's still having difficulties with the cereal. He seems to like it and want to eat it, but he is still spitting most of it back out. He's growing so quickly and sprouting up like a weed. Enjoy the photos and video clip!
Playing on his belly
He's got this part figured out!
Where's she going?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Daddy's Father's Day Present
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Mommy had to work most of the day today. So we celebrated Father's Day in the evening. Daddy got a framed picture of Piper and Casey... the picture was of them in their Dolphins gear with their football. Daddy also got a Dolphins cake made by Mommy. It was chocolate fudge cake with chocolate buttercream icing. We had a nice dinner of steak and sweet potato fries and are now enjoying a relaxing evening!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Party Time and Water/Sand Play
This past Saturday was Haley's (Uncle Jeff and Aunt Susan's daughter) first birthday party. We had lots of fun. Piper enjoyed playing and swimming in the pool and Mommy and Daddy were happy to visit with friends. Mommy made Haley's cakes and was so happy with how they came out. Here's some pics from the party!
Haley's Smash Cake
Big Cake for everyone to eat!
Daddy and Piper hanging out!
Make a wish!
Cake destruction!
Sunday Piper was able to play with her sand and water table. She got it using money and gift cards that she received for her birthday. It took us a while to put it together, because anytime Mommy and Daddy were both home and had a chance to do it, it ended up raining. Then we were waiting for a time when we were both home to let her play with it and again, rain and a misbehaving 3 year old stood in the way. Finally Mommy decided this weekend that if it was nice out and Piper was being good that she should just play with it, even though Mommy would be at work. She loved it! Daddy took lots of pictures so that Mommy could see all the fun Piper had.

Sunday Piper was able to play with her sand and water table. She got it using money and gift cards that she received for her birthday. It took us a while to put it together, because anytime Mommy and Daddy were both home and had a chance to do it, it ended up raining. Then we were waiting for a time when we were both home to let her play with it and again, rain and a misbehaving 3 year old stood in the way. Finally Mommy decided this weekend that if it was nice out and Piper was being good that she should just play with it, even though Mommy would be at work. She loved it! Daddy took lots of pictures so that Mommy could see all the fun Piper had.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Cute Kids!
Casey has been trying so hard to crawl latey. From the time Piper was about 6 months until she learned to walk at around 14 months, she got from place to place by rolling and then scooching. Casey has just started to do this. He rolls all over the place now. He is becoming so coordinatd too. He's getting so good at reaching out and grabbing his toys. I can't stop looking at him either... he's just so handsome and his smiles (which never end) make it that much better! Here's a pic of that smile and a video of him playing. And a video of Piper singing with her karaoke book! 
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
All is Well
We went back for Casey's follow-up today. We are happy to say that he gained even more weight than the Dr. had hoped for. He's now 10lb 6 1/2oz! We've got the ok to start back up with the cereal and to start other solids. We also got the ok to give him one less overnight feeding, so that mean a little more sleep for us! YAY! He got 4 more shots and one oral vaccine today and he did so good... the first shot didn't even phase him. He was halfway through the 2nd before he even noticed. Anyway, we're so relieved that he's doing better now!
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