I decided that Ryan and I should make a blog. This way all of you that are so far away can keep up with everything that's going on here in FL. Not to mention you can watch our little one grow, even though you're not here to see it in person! I got this idea from April, who had her little girl in December. My belly is getting bigger by the second. We are so excited and can't wait to see our little one. We're still in the process of moving into our house, which we love. We should be pretty much moved in by this weekend and hopefully at least mostly settled by next weekend. Enjoy our blog, I'll do my best to update it frequently!
Hey guys... I guess I am making the first comment. This is the first time I have been on a blog. I will check often. I think this is a good idea.. love Aunt P
Hi Kristie & Ryan,
I love the blog idea. I will look forward to all your updates and already put it in my favorites!
Love, Aunt Tina
Hi to you both: I put this in my favorites and, like your aunt, I have not been on a blog so will be anxious to see how things progress. Much love, Rusty
Hi Kristie & Ryan,
This is also my first time on a blog, a wonderful idea, I agree as the rest of us, will be great to get new info about family and pictures too!
Thanks Kris!!! Love, Aunt Rocki
hey there,
I LOVE YOUR BLOG! it's a great idea and a perfect way to keep intouch with those loved one's so far away! It's great that you're so close to being moved in! And wow so close to the due date to. I can't wait to see you guys, but until then i'll enjoy watching the new pictures and reading the blog posts! AGAIN congrats on everything!
love and miss you
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