Piper is getting so big and so mischevious! She finally crawled last week. It was only one little crawl though and she hasn't done it since. She was up on her hands and knees and she moved forward and then nose-dived into the carpet. She continues to get up on her hands and knees to reach her toys easier though. She has learned where we keep some of her smaller toys (in a little wooden basket near "her spot" in the livingroom). So now she pulls all the toys out one by one until there's a big mess all over the floor. But she is learning to put them away when she's done. She has learned how to kiss too. She knows VERY well that when she cries she gets what she wants, so she often fake cries now. We're trying to break her of that habit REAL quick! She's still working on pulling herself to sitting and to standing using the furiture and she's getting better at it. She says; "MaMa," "DaDa," "duck," "hi," "bye," and last week she said "kittie." We've been starting to give her small chunks of real food like; banana, strawberry, rice cakes, cheese and lunch meat. She loves it! Not too much longer and she'll be on real people food completely.

Playing with her music table, she LOVES it

A beautiful smile!

The beginnings of her mess making

Climbing onto her knees to get her toy
1 comment:
Still no Cherios? Just giving you a hard time...AGAIN! I miss you guys. I'm learning something new at Scheduling so as soon as all the excitement calms down, I'll call you so we can do lunch. Kisses to Piper! Brandy
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