Tuesday, August 21, 2007

15 Month Check-up

Yesterday was Piper's 15 month check-up. Daddy took her this time. He said she was pretty good for the most part. He said she seemed to remember where they were from last time and she freked out a few times. She now weighs 17lbs 4oz and is 27 3/4 in tall. That's about 2lbs and 2ins growth since last appointment. She onlt got 2 shots and next time might not need any at all. She's doing very well walking on her own and she's starting to learn how to stand up on her ownn without holding on to anything. She's growing so quickly! Last week I peeked in on her in her crib when I got home from work and she just looked so big to me. She was all sprawled out and taking up so much space. Our little baby isn't a baby anymore! She's a toddler now!

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