Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Carving/Decorating Pumpkins
Tonight we carved/decorated our pumpkins. First Mommy helped Piper color on her pumpkin and add Halloween foamie stickers. Then Piper helped clean out the pumpkin guts from Mommy's pumpkin. Mommy decided to carve a June pumpkin. June is a character from The Little Einstiens, one of Piper's favorite shows, Mommy is sometimes good friends with June too. Daddy couldn't decide what he was going to carve, so Piper watched It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, while he was deciding. Daddy was inspired when Piper came over and put her hand on his pumpkin. Once he finished drawing his design, Piper helped him with the pumpkin guts in his pumpkin too!
I've got a ghost!
Stick 'em on!
Pumpkin guts!
Helping out Daddy!
It's June!
Yay for Charlie Brown!
Piper and her finished pumpkin
Daddy calls it; "She's Got the Whole World in Her Hands" (those are Piper's hands)
8th Annual Halloween Party
Every year our good friends; Kim, Dustin, Jeff and Susan host a Halloween party. So last night we ventured out to the Haunted House on Marsh Road and had some fun. When we got there we took some pictures and then began to play some games so we could win a VIP Haunted House pass. Mommy found the "VIP Idol" (like an immunity idol) and won a pass. This pass entitled Mommy and up to 3 friends a fast pass to the front of the haunted house line. Since Mommy doesn't do the haunted house, she passed it on to Daddy and he picked a few friends to go with him. The house doesn't open until later in the evening, so after Daddy went through, we headed home to put our sleepyhead to bed.
We so didn't do this on purpose... we'll be sure to tell each other our costumes next year; Susan, Jeff, Haley, Piper, Daddy and Mommy
The hosts of the party; Jeff, Susan, Haley, Kim and Dustin
The Freds and their Pebbles
The Pebbles
Kisses for little Pebbles
Monday, October 27, 2008
Little Pumpkin
Yesterday we went to pick out our pumpkins. Piper picked hers out with just a little help from Mommy and Daddy. Tonight we have a Halloween party to go to, and we'll probably carve/paint the pumpkins tomorrow, so keep checking this whole week for more posts! For now, here's our Little Pumpkin posing with the pumpkins!

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Riding a Bike
Piper's feet finally reach the pedals of her bike. The bike was her prize for completing 2 whole potty charts back in May, but unfortunatey her legs weren't quite long enough at the time. Today was the perfect day, not too hot, not too cold, so we took her out for a little bit to learn. She doesn't quite grasp the concept yet. She kept putting her feet on the ground and scooting herself forward that way. I think by the time we came in she understood what she should be doing. So hopefully the next attempt will be even more successful!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
24 weeks
So, I'm a few days behind... better late than never. Sunday was the 24 weeks/6 months mark (although these pics were taken on Monday). Everything is going well. There's not really much to report, as I haven't had a Dr. appt since the sonogram. On the way to NY, Casey was not happy during the takeoff and landing, but was fine the rest of the time. On the way home, he didn't seem to notice the flight at all (which was fine with me). He is constantly moving. He is much lower than Piper was, which makes for much more discomfort/pain when he's moving in certain ways. I've also been getting lower back pains after long periods of activity, just like I did with Piper. And the new one is waking up in the morning with cramps in my legs, though I've read this is not unusual at all, just new to me. All in all everything is good, the pains are just an annoyance and could certainly be much worse.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday October 19
Sunday it was time to head home after a vey short trip. We said good-bye to everyone at Aunt Tina's then went to Gardenview Diner for breakfast. After a delicious breakfast we went to the Smith's for a few hours of visiting. Then it was back on the plane and back to Florida.
Aunt Tina and Piper
Piper playing with Great Bapa
Giving hugs to Uncle Tom
Great Mama reading to Piper
Piper heading onto the plan with her "packback" and suitcase.
Saturday October 18
Saturday was the wedding. It was quite a ride out in the middle of nowhere, which even included a stop on the side of the road for a certian little 2 year old to "go potty." We got there with enough time to spare to stop at the grocery store for something to drink and to change. The ceremony was beautiful, but unfortunately it was difficult to get good pictures. The reception was about 45 minutes away. We were one of the first to arrive and used some of that time to take some photos. The entire reception was a lot of fun and Piper REALLY enjoyed herself. She danced herself to sleep on Bapa's shoulder and then was handed off to Daddy. When we put her into the car, she woke up long enough to say "I sleepy," and then fell right back to sleep. And when we got back to Aunt Tina's, she woke up to put on her pajamas and then was asleep again in seconds. We really had a great time!
JJ and his best man, Mike
The guys
Bride and Groom
Piper and Bapa
Nona, Piper and Nono
Nona and Piper
Family Photo
Kristin, JJ, Piper and Jen
Tom and Jen
The Guarino Ladies; Mama, Nona, Jen, Aunt Pam, Aunt Tina, Piper and Mommy
Bapa, Mama, Piper, Mommy and Daddy
First Dance
Mommy and Uncle John
Daddy, Piper and Mommy dancing!
Mother-Son dance with Aunt Tina
Mother-Son dance with Aunt Pam
Mother-Son Dance with Mama
Conga Line!
Cousins; David, Jen, JJ, Mommy and Paul
Cousins Plus; Lectie, David, Justin, Tom, Jen, Kristin, JJ, Mommy, Paul, Jess and Ashley (Ryan was tending to a sleeping Piper)
Friday October 17
Thursday October 16
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