Ok, so yesterday, ugh! We had just woke up. I come out of the bathroom just in time to see Ryan walking swiftly out of the room. I ask, "What's the matter?" He says, "Didn't you hear that?" Well, I was in the bathroom, so no I didn't hear "that." Now he's standing in the dining room staring in the direction of our desk with this shocked and puzzled look on his face. He said it sounded like someone pouring out a container of sprinkles. I come out to see that the short portion of our glass desk had shattered. The computer monitor is on the floor, but being held up from complete destruction by the power cord. The speakers, mouse and CDs that were sitting on top are also on the floor. And the multiple CD case is on the keyboard which is still on the keyboard tray underneath. There's glass everywhere. Ryan said there was no crash or bang before the shattering. Nothing fell onto it and there was no one around to touch it. For more than a year that desk has sat in that same spot and has had the same things on it, nothing too heavy, and we rarely even use that portion of the desk. The only time we ever touch that side is to get or put back the scissors or a pen. So needless to say we have no idea how this happened. But I thought a disaster such as this warranted a picture.
Now for the important stuff. Yesterday was also Casey's 4 month check up. Well, unfortunately I was right, he is not gaining enough weight. He's now 9lb 9oz... that's less than a pound in the past 2 months. It's only 2 pounds since birth! He is longer as I had said, now 23in. But obviously that's not enough weight. So we're back to feedings every 3 hours even through the night. No breastfeeding, so that we know exactly how much he's getting. I can still pump and give him breastmilk in a bottle though. No more rice cereal for now and no starting other solids until his weight is up. The dr. thinks that it just stems back to the same issues he had before, with his poor suck, poor feeding cues etc. He has until Wednesday to gain a decent amount of weight (approx 8oz). If he doesn't gain the weight he'll be admitted to the hospital for extensive testing to find out what's wrong. He's still right on track developmentally; he's doing everything that a 4 month old should be doing. So everyone please keep you fingers crossed for him and I'll update after his appointment next week.