Monday, February 01, 2010

Dr. Appt and Target Photos... January 28

Casey's one year check up was this past Thursday. He's doing great developmentally. He's now 19 lbs and 28in long. He had a double ear infection and is on some amoxicilin, it totally explained the ear pulling, but we had thought it was just another tooth coming in. He seems to be doing better already. Everything else checked out normal!

We also had his pictures taken at Target. They came out great! Click the link below and use Kristie Kirsch as the guest name. Then click "Click Here" in the middle to check them out!


Tiamaree80 said...

They came out really nice. He's getting big so fast!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great. Sounds like you all had a good time (except you didn't feel well on the day). Hope you are better now. The kids are growing up too quickly and they are adorable.
Take care,

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