Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pirate and Princess Party

Last night we went to the Pirates and Princess Party. It's a new hard ticket event at the Magic Kingdom. Upon entering we recieved "booty bags" to collect treasure in along with treasure maps. The treasure maps, were special maps of the park with many x's on them to pick up princess jewels (beaded necklaces) or pirate treasure (chocolate candies). It was a lot of fun and such a great idea!

The entrance way
Welcoming us to the party!
Tinkerbell (she was also dubbed Stinkerbell at one point by Daddy and Babybell by a little girl in the baby care center)
Piper LOVED Dopey and we're pretty sure the feeling was mutual
Mommy and Daddy in front of Cinderella's royal coach
Hook, Smee, some Pirates and Tinkerbell
Pirate float during the parade... so cool!
The real Tinkerbell!

Monday, January 22, 2007


Today we spent the day with Debbie and Andrew at Epcot. We didn't take too many pictures, but Piper looked super cute!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Kingdoms

One of Ryan's best friends; Debbie is in town with her new husband; Andrew. We spent the day with them and visited Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom.
King Louie, Piper and Debbie
All of us at Magic Kingdom
Princess Piper and her castle
Piper, Andrew and Debbie on the people mover

Arin's Birthday

Last night we went to Arin's birthday party at Chevy's. Arin has a beautiful little girl who is a month younger than Piper. Her name is Kyndall. Unfortunately there are no pictures with Arin because the ones we took had really bad coloring and glare. But here are the rest of the pics from the night.
Mommy and Piper
Daddy and Piper
The Daddies; Ryan and Piper, Doug and Mia, John Erich and Kyndall
Kisses from Mia

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sleepy Time

Here's Piper napping in her crib with her little elephant. She looked so cute I just couldn't resist snapping a few photos!

Piper's First Circus

Last Saturday (the day of the bath picture) we went to the Circus. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Susan bought us tickets for Christmas and we all went as a big group. Piper really seemed to enjoy it.
Family of Clowns
Piper and her clown hat!
The ladies; Kim, Michelina, Susan, Piper, Kristie and Lisa
The Guys; Brody, Dustin, Jeff, Robbie, Dante and Ryan

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Splish Splash

Today Piper took her bath in the big bathtub. Well, really it was in her little one which was inside the big tub. It'll help her to get used to the idea of the big tub when she's ready for it. She loved splashing with her little rubber duckies!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

One of Mommy's best friends, Erica and her sister Amanda came to visit. We spent the whole day park hopping. Here are a couple pictures and more to come when Erica sends the rest!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Giggly Girl!

Piper cracks up at the most unusual things. Her she is laughing at Daddy spinning an inflatable magic wand. Sorry the lighting isn't very good. But turn up your volume!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy 8 Month Birthday Piper!

We went to Universal Studios for the day. It was lots of fun and Piper got to meet lots of new characters. She really enjoyed the Barney show. Piper has gotten very good at pulling up to sitting and to standing using your fingers and needs very little support. She loves sitting by herself now and rarely wants to lay down unless she is sleeping. She has learned to wave when you wave at her, but it's not quite perfected yet. She still hasn't crawled and that's fine with us, but we're all baby-proofed and ready!
Two Little Monkeys

It's the Mother-Daughter Show!
Daddy and Piper on the Slide in Fievel's Playground
Family Shot with Barney, Piper was amazed!