Last night we went to the Pirates and Princess Party. It's a new hard ticket event at the Magic Kingdom. Upon entering we recieved "booty bags" to collect treasure in along with treasure maps. The treasure maps, were special maps of the park with many x's on them to pick up princess jewels (beaded necklaces) or pirate treasure (chocolate candies). It was a lot of fun and such a great idea!

The entrance way

Welcoming us to the party!

Tinkerbell (she was also dubbed Stinkerbell at one point by Daddy and Babybell by a little girl in the baby care center)

Piper LOVED Dopey and we're pretty sure the feeling was mutual

Mommy and Daddy in front of Cinderella's royal coach

Hook, Smee, some Pirates and Tinkerbell

Pirate float during the parade... so cool!

The real Tinkerbell!
WHAT!!!?!?!?! The real Tinkerbell! I'm so out of the loop. I saw the you tube with the animated heads too! WOW!
Piper looks so cute in that tinkerbell dress. I suppose I'll let it know how I feel about this.
Miss you guys!
i have the same response as ashley, they have a real tinkerbell?? she looks like the one from disneyland's parade. i wonder when they are going to have the face characters of hook and smee as they had in the dream along show. (i saw a video) looks like you guys had a good time! i sure wish i was there!
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