We went to Universal Studios for the day. It was lots of fun and Piper got to meet lots of new characters. She really enjoyed the Barney show. Piper has gotten very good at pulling up to sitting and to standing using your fingers and needs very little support. She loves sitting by herself now and rarely wants to lay down unless she is sleeping. She has learned to wave when you wave at her, but it's not quite perfected yet. She still hasn't crawled and that's fine with us, but we're all baby-proofed and ready!

Two Little Monkeys

It's the Mother-Daughter Show!

Daddy and Piper on the Slide in Fievel's Playground

Family Shot with Barney, Piper was amazed!
kristie & ryan,
piper is soooo cute!! hope all is going well with you, i miss you guys a lot. hope you got my package, too. love you!!!
love, Jessica
Hey guys your pictures are so cute, you should add some from our trip! We had so much fun hopefully I'll be able to update my blog tomorrow so keep checking for updates!
Love Erica
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