Wednesday, February 28, 2007
New Smile
Mommy got her teeth whitened! Check out the before and after! The dr. says they won't be completely done changing for 2 weeks, so they'll get whiter yet! If the pic is too small for you to see the difference, click on the pic to enlarge it.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Piper Walking
Piper has always loved to pull herself to her feet using Mommy and Daddy's hands. Now when she pulls up, her feet start moving! This is her new favorite activity!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Our Store!
Hi everybody! We just opened an online store! Right now we are selling hairbows for girls and beaded jewelry for women. We will be expanding soon to include decorative photo frames, belt, hats, scarves and more! Please check it out and tell anyone you know about it! If they go to, search for a store and search "the little monkey" it will take them to our store! But you can click on this link:
The Little Monkey
The Little Monkey
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Super Giggles
Turn up the volume! There's not much to see, just a lot to hear! It's too cute! Coming soon: "walking" video
Friday, February 16, 2007
Valentine's Day and Dr. Visit
Wednesday was Piper's first Valentine's Day. She wore a special outfit and bow in her hair. (Mommy had made the bow) She didn't really do anything special, just had a fun relaxing day at home. Thursday was her 9 month check-up. She only had one shot this time and did very well with it. She's 14lb 10oz and 26in long. That's not much of a change since last time, but Dr. Britton says that's normal. He says that when babies become mobile, their growth rate slows down. He said everything else was great too. She's a beautiful healthy baby! Recently she has been trying to walk. Piper has always loved to pull to standing using someone's fingers. But now she pulls to standing and then her feet start moving. Hopefully we'll have a video of that for you soon!

Friday, February 09, 2007
Future Softball Player
Check out the arm on this kid! If the video doesn't work right away, check back in a little while!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Happy 9 Month Birthday Piper!
Piper is 9 months old today! She is more active than ever. She babbles constantly. She has learned what MaMa means and uses it when she's not getting what she wants. She has also learned what No means and uses it more often than she listens to it. She doesn't really say No, but she shakes her head if she doesn't want her food or if she doesn't want to give up a toy when it's time for something else. She's a pro at sitting up and can even catch herself when she starts to lose her balance. She's still not crawling, but she can creep backwards. She seems perfectly content rolling from place to place. She always seems to get her hands on what she's not supposed to have, like Mommy's cellphone, the remote and the camera. She doesn't like being away from Mommy for even a second. She'll scream the second Mommy even stands up. She objects very loudly if you take a toy away or move her to a new spot. Her next appointment with Dr. Britton is next week. I'll update again after that.
Changing the channels on Mommy
She's got a good arm!
This is what she looks like when she doesn't get her way
BAckwards Creeping
Piper singing into her "microphone"
Trying to get the camera from Mommy's hands

Monday, February 05, 2007
Savannah - Monday
On Monday morning we packed up and headed South again. We decided to leave early enough to spend most fo the day in Savannah. Once there we took a trolley tour of the city. It was beautiful. We ate lunch at the famous Lady and Sons. Paula Deen from the Food Network owns it with her 2 sons. It was Southern style food and it was delicious. After lunch we walked along River Street and visited a few shops. Then it was back in the car for a long ride home.
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
The Visitors Center and History Museum which used to be an old train station
The windows on the museum are the exact size and shape of the Liberty Bell

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Hilton Head Island - Sunday
Sunday morning we headed out to Harbour Town Lighthouse. It's Hilton Head Island's most famous landmark. We climbed to the top (no elevator, all stairs) for a beautiful view. Then we headed back to the shopping center Truffles was in. All the shops were closed after dinner, so we wanted to check them out during the day. Then we headed back to the pottery place. We were walking around the other shops there when someone stopped and asked us to listen to a time share presentation. We did and of course didn't buy, but were given $100 for our time! Then we picked up our finished pottery and went back to the resort. We stopped at the main building to get a bit of information and happened to run across Shadow and B'Lou Crabbe. Shadow is a mischevious dog that lives at the resort. She was very sweet. B'Lou Crabbe is the resort's one and only entertainer. He sings, plays music, does magic and tells stories. We spent a lot of time talking him. He was a very nice guy. Then we headed back to the room for a little snack before the Super Bowl Party at Community Hall.
Harbour Town Lighthouse
View from the top look out to the ocean
View from the top looking down inside
Ryan and Shadow
Kristie, Shadow and B'Lou Crabbe

Saturday, February 03, 2007
Hilton Head Island - Saturday
Saturday morning after breakfast we headed over to Disney's Beach House. The resort itself is one a marsh that has access to the ocean, but not exactly on the ocean. So they have a beach house just a short distance away. The beach house overlooks the ocean, has a pool, arcade, snack bar, and a room where you can sit at tables to play games around the fireplace or relax and watch some TV. We headed down to the beach to walk along the shore, and collect a few shells. Then spent some time in the arcade taking advantage of the free games. After the beach house, we went back to the resort for lunch in our room. Then it was off to the spa. We spent some time walking around the neighboring shops and then we enjoyed a relaxing aroma bath and 50 minute massage. After the spa, we went to another nearby shoppping area. We found a paint-your-own-pottery studio and decided to give it a try. It was a lot of fun. After the pottery we went to yet another shoppping center to have dinner at Truffles. Very tasty!
The ocean from the beach house stairs
View of the beach house from the ocean
Us in front of the ocean
The beach house
Game Tables
Sitting area

Friday, February 02, 2007
Disney's Hilton Head Island Resort - Friday
This weekend we went to Hilton Head Island, SC to celebrate our first anniversary. Piper stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa Smith. We left Friday morning (our actual anniversary) and arrived at the Disney Resort (where we stayed) around 3 or 4. When we got to our room there was gifts waiting on the counter. Ryan had arranged for flowers and a gift basket to be waiting. The gift basket had champagne, postcards, a Hilton Head magnetic frame and a gift card for a couples massage and aroma bath. There were also balloons from the front desk. The room was beautiful. We were supposed to have a studio suite, but they upgraded us for free to a 2 bedroom. It had a full kitchen, jacuzzi tub, big balcony overlooking the marsh, and a rustic feel. That afternoon we explored the resort a bit and then got ready for dinner. We ate ate Antonio's. It was delicious.
Our front door
The pier heading out to a fishing dock
At the end of the pier
Our living room, gifts waiting on the counter
Our bedroom
Wishes on the resort TV, it was there all weekend for the whole resort to see
All dressed up and ready to go out for dinner

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