Wednesday was Piper's first Valentine's Day. She wore a special outfit and bow in her hair. (Mommy had made the bow) She didn't really do anything special, just had a fun relaxing day at home. Thursday was her 9 month check-up. She only had one shot this time and did very well with it. She's 14lb 10oz and 26in long. That's not much of a change since last time, but Dr. Britton says that's normal. He says that when babies become mobile, their growth rate slows down. He said everything else was great too. She's a beautiful healthy baby! Recently she has been trying to walk. Piper has always loved to pull to standing using someone's fingers. But now she pulls to standing and then her feet start moving. Hopefully we'll have a video of that for you soon!

look at those eyelashes! what a pretty girl!
So many smiles! I miss you guys!
Your baby is growing up - pulling herself up and it won't be long before she is walking. Loved the pictures of her at Valentine's Day. Give her a kiss for me.
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