Piper is 9 months old today! She is more active than ever. She babbles constantly. She has learned what MaMa means and uses it when she's not getting what she wants. She has also learned what No means and uses it more often than she listens to it. She doesn't really say No, but she shakes her head if she doesn't want her food or if she doesn't want to give up a toy when it's time for something else. She's a pro at sitting up and can even catch herself when she starts to lose her balance. She's still not crawling, but she can creep backwards. She seems perfectly content rolling from place to place. She always seems to get her hands on what she's not supposed to have, like Mommy's cellphone, the remote and the camera. She doesn't like being away from Mommy for even a second. She'll scream the second Mommy even stands up. She objects very loudly if you take a toy away or move her to a new spot. Her next appointment with Dr. Britton is next week. I'll update again after that.

Changing the channels on Mommy

She's got a good arm!

This is what she looks like when she doesn't get her way

BAckwards Creeping

Piper singing into her "microphone"

Trying to get the camera from Mommy's hands
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