Thursday, November 16, 2006


Piper has been working very hard at feeding herself some finger foods. She's getting very good at it. In these pictures she's eating banana puffs, they dissolve in your mouth. She loves them!
Grabbing a banana puff
Putting it in her mouth
"chewing" it up

Piper had another visit to the doctor yesterday. She was coughing a lot and was very stuffy. Both Mommy and Daddy have been fighting colds, so Mommy called the doctor to see if there was any cough and cold medicine that Piper could have. The doctor said to bring her in. There's some very serious viruses going around right now, so he didn't want to take any chances. But she's ok, it's just a common cold. She's got some nose drops and some cough medicine. For now she'll be a little fussy and a little miserable, but she'll be back to normal in no time!


appie413 said...

I'm so glad its just a lil' cold....when they're sick it just makes you feel awful...hope you both get better in time for Turkey Day!

Anonymous said...

What a neat snack...bananna puffs, and healthy for her too! Glad to hear Piper will feel better soon, hope you guys both do soon too!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Aunt Rocki