Piper is changing so much everyday! She had another appointment with Dr. Britton and Mommy got to take her this time. She's now 13lbs 8oz and 24 in long. That is small for her age, but Dr. Britton is not worried about it, since she is still continuing to grow and develop at her projected rate. She had a bit of eye irritation and was prescribed some eye drops to help clear it up. She got 4 of her usual vaccines and also a flu shot. She was a little trooper and screamed for just a minute until I could pick her up. She's starting to have a bit of stranger anxiety which is normal for her age. She loves her solid foods and Dr. Britton gave the ok for some dissolving finger foods, and she loves those already. She is practicing sitting up by herself and is doing a very good job. She sits alone in a lap with no problem. The floor gives her a little bit of trouble, but she's getting better. She'll be crawling at any moment, but for now she gets around by rolling everywhere. She's very good at wiggling to get toys that are out of her reach. If she drops something she looks for it and then tries to get it back. If you have something, she wants it... she grabs for everything now. She loves to explore every new object by tasting it. When she wants to be held she reaches out for you and she screams if you leave the room. She babbles alot and has said Mama a few times, but Daddy won't admit it. She likes to blow razzberries and will giggle if you do it back to her. Piper is learning new things everyday and we'll continue to share each discovery with you!

Rolling all over the floor!

Sitting up by herself on the floor!

Gimme that camera Mommy!

Blowing razzberries

Reaching to pick up Waddles.
1 comment:
God I just saw her a month ago and she looks so grown up.... What a beauty... I cant wait to see her again soon... Hope you and Ryan are well also..
Love aunt P
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